Saturday, June 18, 2011

Part Six

When did you start dating? Even worst, WHEN DID YOU START DATING MARRIED MAN? I looked at Abshir who was eavesdropping.  I stood there for while, longing  for commentary, explanation, anything. There was no expression on his face. Nor was he surprised, he seemed as if he was waiting for this day. As soon as AJ left, and I tailgated him. In a deep voice he said, "wait, it's not what you think". We both stopped, as if a driver saw a stop sign. "I'm not divorced"..   he said  and walked  toward me , tilted my chine
"Babe I never got married".
And the kid?
The kid, he  exhaled  deeply and looked down. However, he didn't proceed his speech any-farther. I was  fully aware the story was not getting any better rather worst. As I turned around.

Aj intervened. "I'll tell you, the kid is bastard."  
A similar words were jogging in my mind but, the fact that AJ said it out-loud unexpectedly, crashed my heart into pieces. I looked back
and saw a fist on a face.  AJ lost his balance and hit the ground. 
I declared angrily, Both of you, do me a favor please stay away from my life. 


 I laid awake long after the light extinguished, trying  to find a possible answers to why he would do this. How is this possible, he is too religious. Thousands of questions were jogging in my mind. There are things to expect from a person. If they would tell me that he was a drug dealer, or Ex-con  or even a member of Al-Shabab  I would believe them without a doubt but, he has a child and never got married. How could he do that to me. I remembered when, halimo said, "you guys are perfect match". Why didn't she tell me.. , I couldn't sleep my curiosity kept  growing. I want to call her but, It was kind of late.

 Hooyo knocked lightly on my door..  Hibaaq, dad is coming, she said smiling. I smiled back sarcastically .. Did his passport expired all ready?
Hibaaq... he is coming to see us. I want you to pick them up tomorrow.
Yes!  eedo (his wife)  is coming two.
Are you insane? You're letting that lady into your house. After all she did to us. 

Hibaq She was  a good  friend of mine.

Good friend? You call that a friend? I wonder what she will take with her this time. Because last time your friend visited she took your husband. In case you have forgotten let me reminde you. I grew up without a father because of her. And you’re dying old and lonely because of that slut.
Hooyo, cut me off with slap.  
I took my car keys and left the room. When I was backing up from the parking lot, I realized I  ran over something. I got out of the car it was  a bicycle.  And a little girl  kind of looked like she was grieving over the bicycle. I walked up to her.

Awtch I crushed the poor thing really bad. I am sorry kiddo.
Scratching her head she mumbled, it was my ride home.
I will take you home. 
She jumped with excitement, okay she said and head to my car. 
 She stopped at the front of the car door.
Something wrong? I asked
Yeah, there is something you should know. Please don't get mad at me.  My name is Amira and Abshir is my.....



  1. ah man..

    it seem as if the good ones always have a few skeletons in the closet, and they always get exposed in the weirdest circumstance....

    i predict

  2. oh yeh forgot to say, its improving masha Allah

  3. HMM Maybe it's not dirty laundry, who knows. :)..

    Ps...I am improving becouase of you , jazakallah khair again.

  4. when are u going to post chapter 7 i can't wait any more
